Part of starting a business is the ability to get traction. Having a great business plan and goals are not going to be sufficient unfortunately. As I like to tell clients, you don’t have a business until you have paying customers.
Every entrepreneur wants paying clients but does not know how to get started. If I use my example a few years before I officially started, I did not have a real marketing strategy. Typically, I organized lunches in Geneva and talked about my coaching services, I was still going through the journey of transitioning from employee to solopreneur. As I trained myself in parallel by watching and reading a lot of information on marketing, I started to build something more concrete. Below you will find some tips from my eBook to help you get off the ground.
The Marketing Strategy
A marketing strategy regroups all the actions you will take to sell your product and/or services to your clients. A marketing strategy needs to include several activities:
• Online marketing
• On-site presence within the right communities and network in person.
Build up your brand to find clients - Get visibility
Position yourself as the “go to” person in your industry. Start working on your online branding and craft a strategy on how to drive traffic to your page/website. Below you will find a few examples of “traffic building” activities:
Preliminary steps:
• Make sure you have a professional image (online and offline)
• Make sure you are clear on your service or product (i.e. networking pitch / tagline)
• Do the extra effort and offer your services with a creative touch
• Use online chats (Twitter, Facebook)
• Create content rich materials (eBooks, brochures)
• Create webinars or masterclasses
• Give away product samples
• Run special events (workshops / seminars)
• Find an innovative way to propose your offer or product
• Partner with other solopreneurs (mastermind groups, joint ventures)
I want to hear from you, do you have any experience with marketing products/services in Switzerland and achieving great results?